Past President - Graham Harris
Graham Harris is a Principal Development Extension Officer with the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Graham has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Economics, Master of Economics from University of New England, Graduate Diploma in Rural Systems Management from University of Queensland and Graduate Certificate in Irrigation from Charles Sturt University.
He has worked as an agricultural extension officer since 1981 for the Queensland Government. He served rural communities in southern (Inglewood and Toowoomba), south-eastern (Monto) and central (Biloela) areas of Queensland during that time. He has led a number of extension projects focussed irrigation systems, crop agronomy, telecommunications and farm business management. He was joint leader of The Farm Program within the former Cotton Catchment Communities CRC where he oversaw the conduct of research within the Water Use Efficiency, Crops and Soils and Resilient Farming Systems sub-programs.
In 2005 he used his Swire Group Churchill Fellowship to study precision irrigation technologies in the USA and Israel.
He currently leads the Broadacre Farming Systems Team within QDAF. This team works with landholders to implement new management practices and improve the profitability of their raingrown and irrigated cropping systems. He is keen for extension staff to be recognised for their professionalism and acknowledged for the good work they do in supporting rural communities adapt to changing circumstances.