eBulletin - APEN Reminders and Other Resources
APEN Reminders
Calling for articles for the APEN REIS Journal
The Rural Extension and Innovation Systems (REIS) Journal has two main sections - Research and Practice.
The Research section publishes research into agricultural and natural resource change management, extension, development and innovation systems issues that follow a rigorous and recognised disciplinary research methodology and targets professional extension practitioners, researchers and educators. Submissions undergo a double-blind review process by members of the Editorial Board and selected reviewers.
The Practice section publishes papers that tell stories; promote innovative ideas, tools and process; or provide comment on rural extension and innovation systems activities by or about working with people in (mainly agricultural) industries and communities to achieve change. It targets extension practitioners and educators, agribusiness managers, business consultants and professional farmers. These papers are evaluated by the Editor and an industry panel on scholarship, readability, relevance to industry and likelihood of facilitating change.
Roy Murray-Prior, Editor, is happy to receive articles for publication during the year. Roy can be contacted on roy@agribizrde.com
Author instructions can be found at http://www.apen.org.au/rural-extension-and-innovation-systems-journal
Published Papers from the 2017 APEN Conference are available on-line and also through APEN Ltd; info@apen.org.au at $25 + postage.
Call for Articles for ExtensionNet
Do you have a project that did especially well? Or one that didn’t, but you have learnt much from? Do you have an opinion about what the extension profession should or should not be about, or how we go about it? Are you a young extension professional? What have you found out in your first few years that you think is important? We want to hear from you.
If you have a contribution(s) - an article, photo, joke, cartoon, poem etc – for any of these themes, please send them to Pat Hamilton, the ExtensionNet Editor at phamilton@rbh2.com and 0409 180 164
The Current edition is available to members through this link.
Archived editions are available in the Resources section of the website.
APEN list of extension courses
The APEN Education Training and Accreditation (ETA) Sub-Committee 2016 produced a comprehensive listing of extension courses available in Australia, encompassing the university and VET sectors, as well as a range of other training and professional development offerings.
This will soon be updated.
This listing can be found in a downloadable file here or through the Careers and Training section of the APEN website.
The ETA subcommittee is expanding this resource to include New Zealand.
If you know of any courses that should be added - for Australia or New Zealand - please let Rebecca Cross know via r.cross@sydney.edu.au
Regional APEN events & small grants program
If you have an idea for a local networking or professional development event in your region that would help you and your peers be more effective in your work with industries and communities, APEN has a small grants program to assist you with making it happen.
If this sounds of interest, please complete the application form which can be downloaded from the website (regional-and-cluster-events) and send it to the APEN EO at info@apen.org.au.
'Shaping Change’ book – at postage cost only
APEN's “Shaping Change: Natural Resource Management, Agriculture and the Role of Extension” is a valuable reference tool for undergraduates, postgraduates and all extension professionals.
All new members joining APEN receive a complimentary digital copy of ‘Shaping Change’ as part of our membership offering in the Welcome Pack.
Orders can be placed on at our online APEN Shop.
Connect with APEN on Social Media
Twitter: Follow us @APENenews
Facebook: Like and share
LinkedIn: Follow this page to receive updates directly from APEN. There are over 515 members of APEN’s LinkedIn group, and this number is growing every week.
With APEN eBulletins only coming out monthly, following the APEN ‘Company Page’ and joining this LinkedIn group are easy ways to keep up to date on events and other items that come to APEN’s attention at short notice. To join, just click the following links and start interacting.
- APEN (Australasia-Pacific Extension Network): http://www.linkedin.com/groups/APEN-AustralasiaPacific-Extension-Network-4200220 This group is for APEN members and friends of APEN who would like to be kept informed of our activities.
- APEN eExtension cluster: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/APEN-eExtension-cluster-4200268/about An online community for discussing and sharing ideas regarding eExtension. This is a sub-group so you need to join the parent one (above) first.
If you experience any problems joining contact John James (john@enablersofchange.com.au +61 417 617 572)
APEN Website
To log-in to the website you need your Username (the email address that is in the membership database) and Password (ÄPENMem followed by your membership number).
Any problems, please contact info@apen.org.au
Other Resources
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension - Webinar
The first webinar of the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension has an interactive panel of authors who highlight research related to the current thematic issue of the journal: Agricultural Education & Extension Curriculum Innovation” The Nexus of Climate Change; Food Security and Community Resilience”.
The recorded version is: https://ufl.zoom.us/rec/share/y85vde3vy3pJYZXhq0D4avcLHoS6aaa8hCQa-qBZmk3CczUXyVW082EZ-QMPmNdR.
Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) Global Good Practice Notes on Extension
GFRAS has invited further input about Global Good Practices as per their website saying...
There is plenty of information available in the public domain that covers various aspects of extension and know-how about new methodologies for implementation. However this information is often scattered and presented in complex academic language. It is not standardised in a format that allows easy comparison of approaches. Hence practitioners, who often have very limited time and/or may only have basic formal education, find it difficult to make use of this information. The Global Good Practices Initiative (www.betterextension.org) aims to bridge this gap .... more information at http://www.g-fras.org/en/ggp-home.html
Become part of an online community platform: SustainabilityXchange
Join the growing community: register and create your personalized expert profile today!
You are cordially invite you to become part of SustainabilityXchange http://www.sustainabilityxchange.info/, an online platform promoting capacity building activities and the development of sustainable value chains in the sectors of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture.
Contacts for more details: sustainabilityxchange@intracen.org
Professional development opportunities with NSW DPI EverTrain online courses.
EverTrain is a NSW DPI e-learning platform with online courses based on the latest research and industry advice. It includes accredited courses and workshops that can be tailored to meet client needs.
Courses currently available include:
* Managing Carbon on Agricultural Land
* Managing Climate Risk in Agriculture
* Soil Biology
* Salinity Concepts (NSW, SA and WA)
* Salinity Management (NSW and soon to be released SA).
Online study provides you with the flexibility of increasing your knowledge at the time, pace and location that best suits you. Go to www.evertrain.edu.au for more information.