APEN Life Members
Drs Pat Hamilton, Roy Murray-Prior and Terry Parminter were awarded Life Memberships at the 2022 APEN Virtual Conference and Dr Roe Currie was recognised for her service to APEN since 1995 and awarded an Honorary Life Membership.
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Nomination Details
APEN Life Membership is called for and awarded at the same time as the Awards for Excellence in Extension. They may also be called prior to the AGM in a non-conference year. Life Membership will be awarded on the basis of contribution to the Extension profession and to APEN.
The APEN Board will judge entries and their decision will be final.
The Nomination form can be downloaded here.
Life Membership benefits will include:
The successful nominee is announced and a plaque and badge are presented at the APEN Conference Dinner or AGM .
• As seen above, life members have their photos and a comment about their contributions publicly displayed.
• At conference dinners, a table is designated for current board members, life members and possibly past-presidents, to honour them and recognise their efforts.
• APEN membership is free for the life member going forward.