
ExtensionNet is a quarterly newsletter produced for APEN members by members so we welcome your feedback and contributions. In particular we are seeking:
ideas for future editions
feedback on the last edition
how we can improve ExtensionNet
Please provide this feedback to the Editor, Dr Patricia Hamilton at phamilton@rbh2.com or 0409 180164, or APEN at info@apen.org.au.
Assisting on ExtensionNet is Caroline Coppo & Alice Long as co-editors
Guidelines for authors
Submissions should be made in Microsoft Word with minimal formatting.
A portrait photograph of the author or a photo relating to the content of the article is required.. All photographs, figures and / or tables ought to be provided as separate files (preferably TIF or JPEG; photos scanned at 300dpi).
Feature articles should be around 1,000 words and minor articles 500 words. The editor reserves the right to edit submitted material to meet space restrictions.
Letters to the editor or general items of news of interest to the network are welcome.
Articles should be submitted at least four weeks prior to publication.
Preference is given to articles that are grounded in some form of project or event.
ExtensionNet online
As requested by members in APEN Members surveys ExtensionNet went on-line!
Unfortunately APEN does not have the resources to keep this style of ExtensionNet on-line. Many thanks to Dr Maryse Bourgault for her efforts with the extensionet online website.
The pdf version of ExtensionNet is available. Members can have access to the current issue of ExtensionNet in the Members Only section.
Past editions are accessible in the Archives section.
The "Annual Report" issue will continue to be published and posted to members in December/January each year and there will be 2 - 3 online/pdf issues which will be publicised through the monthly eBulletin.
Any queries, contact Roe, APEN Ltd at info@apen.org.au